Thursday, June 02, 2005


I would like to say something about the wonderful invention that is I love Target anyway-I'm always thinking, okay, I need shampoo and conditioner, so I'll run into Target and spend $10, and then when I leave I ALWAYS have at least $50 worth of stuff. But Target online is even greater. In an effort to eat more healthily, I decided to buy a blender so I can make smoothies for breakfast to bring to work. I found the cutest little one-it's not a pitcher on top, it's just a cup, and you put all your stuff in and blend it, then snap on the travel lid and go. I love it.
I also wanted to respond to nikki the redhead's last 2 posts. As far as the ED thing, and childhood experiences, I have thought for a long time that I was sexually abused as a child, but I don't really remember anything specific, or who did it. About two years ago, my ex-boyfriend came up with a name that kind of made me stop and think, while every other person I'd thought of just didn't make any sense. The person he brought up was my aunt's ex-husband (on my dad's side). I said something to my dad about it, and he brushed it off, but I still have a feeling that my ex was right. The ex-uncle, or whatever you want to call him, died like a year ago, so I guess I'll never find out for sure.
In regards to moving in with the bf, I hope it turns out as wonderfully for you as it has for me. Things have changed a lot, and it took some getting used to, but we're so much closer now than we were before. It's really nice to come home to him every night, and wake up to him every morning. He drives me crazy occasionally, like when he leaves his clothes all over the living room floor, but then he'll do something like surprise me by cleaning the whole house while I'm at work.
I'm going to a wedding on Saturday, and I get to wear the perfect little black dress that I bought 3 years ago and haven't worn yet. I'm really excited. :)


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